Greetools has its origins in 2009 in Hong Kong, The founder Jianghong Min was a salesman before he started his own tools business. He travelled overseas markets and China extensively establishing contacts and following trends of hardware & tools, learned more than of 70% output of power tools in global are made in China.a mind much upon on his brain, Why not provide global clients quality tools accessories with unbeaten pricesto match those power tools? After seriously consideration, He decided to devote himself full-time to his career- power tools accessories.
He associated his classmate Mr Libo Zeng,MsHuizhen Li to work together, they soon took their approach to a world stage setting up office in Guangzhou.In 2012,Following national strategy of rising of central China, We moved headquarters to Changsha Hunan to operate more efficiently.
As the businesses grew, it became apparent that there was an opportunity to merge under one global brand providing our international clients a consistent quality experience wherever it is required. This resulted in the evolving of the brand of Greetools,HEROMIN,CUTID.
The growth of our business has been built on a commitment to working together across borders to share knowledge and deliver quality solutions that accelerate the success of our people and our clients.
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